Thursday, June 22, 2023

El bosque

Quiero ser más como el bosque

Sabia, presente, generativa, colaboradora

Una entrega a lo que es 

Al rendirse al fuego 

Y una resurrección al soltar sus semillas

Antes de volverse ceniza.

Quiero doblar por horas como el bosque en un huracán

Dejando que el soplo de los vientos se lleven lo que ya no es necesario y deje lo que es esencial y eterno

Y en esta purificación 

Todo lo que queda para nutrir es lo esencial. 

  • Patrícia 22.junio.23

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Treasure of Stories

 A Treasure of Stories

by Patrícia Cerqueira Seidler

There was a time when stories were shared

Well before books and e-books alike

There was a time when stories were shared 

In the truest of original audiobook form

There was a time when stories were shared 

Over and over again they were shared

They were passed down, 

Loved, expanded, edited, remembered 

There was a time well before the first book

When stories were shared so that one day

Books would be written and read

Loved, expanded, edited, remembered

There was a time well before the first book 

And thousands of years after the first story told 

When telling and sharing stories always existed

Sharing books and reading connect us to each other

And to that which is eternally unfolding 

The vast human experience and humbling mysteries of life

That connect us to each other and other dimensions

To worlds where we want to belong and worlds we come home to

In reading we can travel, mother ourselves, dream, strive, and thrive 

In sharing books, we ensure that the endless treasure of stories are 

Loved, expanded, edited, and remembered