Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Eternal Life

Nature surprised me this summer morning
As dew still dwelled on shaded blades perched above Mother's soil
Inviting me to notice all the other blades already kissed by the dew of early morn

Reminding me that I too have been kissed and touched by all those who have sailed with me in my Soul's journey in friendship, sisterhood, partnership, motherhood, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction alike Embraced by their wisdom, fierce loving compassion, teachings,

Courageous examples of open-heartedness, learning from watching them be cracked open and Brought to their knees only to rise again by the lightness of their wings from the shedding
Mothering guides from afar uplifting me as I carve my own path and soar by the grace of surrender.

Touched by all those whom I once mourned and still do as I visit their candlelight in the soul yards of my heart.
Loved ones gone too soon,
Sages and prophets of the past joined today by the splendid Toni Morrison.

Ever so slightly the fear loosens its grip from the unimaginable
Premature loss of my children or their father, my life partner; my sister, my North Star, her children, my brother by law, and my brother by birth.
Inhale, lungs expand, belly floats back down.

Opening to this moment, loving my loved ones deeper, savoring their presence
This moment is a lifetime.
This moment, the true promise of our eternal life.
For like dew, we have already been touched and kissed by each other's souls.

Like dew we will sooner or later move onto the next stop in our soul's cycle
Leaving the blade seemingly untouched by our presence, our greatest fear
Only to discover that the blade has already been blessed by the early dew.
Forever changed, nurtured, and watered by dew's abundant presence

Bent by those we are lucky to hold
Like dew on Mother's abundant grass

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